NUT | LAC 3 is an intensification and a purely electronic realisation of the series' foundation, previously exemplified with an orchestra (NUT | LAC 1) and with a much smaller ensemble (NUT | LAC 2): a very slowly changing stream of sound is interrupted by slowly changing, drilling pulses. The relentless interruptions in turn leads to an impression of tipping back into a flow.
Sooner or later, a continuous drone merges with its surroundings; continuous beats lead to social synchronisation.
The pulses and pauses in the NUT | LAC series bind the underlying drones to the here and now. At the same time, they unsettle our perception of time: the formation of centres of gravity, accelerations and decelerations, shifts and expansions all take place in the material, but also in our heads.
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„Das Gleiche immer anders.“
Der Zoom ist nur gefühlt.
Trip, Wand, Sog.
Angebot & Aufforderung.
Unterbrechung: Klappe!